Join me for an interactive online event where we will explore ideas of co-assessment of our multilingual learners' language journeys.
An online K-12 #literacy conference that is free and filled with praxis, hope, and love hosted by @theedcollab .
Getting to learn alongside the collaboratives' fellows and associates has been so critical for me this year. Stepping out of the traditional school structure, the Educator Collaborative has offered a professional learning community for me that is anchored in hope and justice. For that I am so grateful. Want to know more about the Educator Collaborative's work? Head on over to their website. Amazing keynotes and presentations on Saturday April 13. Won't you join us? I'll be sharing a new talk called Hear, Think, Wonder: Tuning into our Students' Dynamic Multilingualism
I had the pleasure of chatting with Sean and Wes at Smart Data for Schools this week. We chatted about bringing an equity and sociocultural lens to data and assessment. Take a listen!
Beth PumaI am an MLL specialist, coach, and educational consultant that is dedicated to building a more transformative educational landscape that honors linguistic diversity and challenges societal paradigms. Archives
January 2025